
I wanted to share something my dear friend, Dr. Andrew Butler, posted this morning on facebook. This is so true, as it is very important to surround yourself with positive people that create a healthy environment. Otherwise, you limit yourself. Life already has enough limitations, it’s up to you to make life better for yourself and your loved ones.  I think this is great to ponder on going into the New Year. 2014 is only two days away!~

“A moment of Grace by Dr. Andrew Butler”

We are all products of relationships. The literal orientation of your life could be connected to the relationships and people that surround you. Your environment and relationships will affect the opportunities or limitations that come your way. They will influence your success or celebrate your failures. Remember Negative people can’t birth positive influences.

This has been a moment of grace…Keep the Light On!!

You can find out more about Dr. Butler at his website:

Marraige – The Action of; Not just an Event…


Just a Thought: If you had to perform an “action” to become married by going through the ceremony, vows exchange, etc… Then why wouldn’t you put forth the actions…aka…effort… to ensure the vows exchanged are upheld? Many people loose sight that marraige between two people is an act, not simply a label. Marraige is a VERB – something you do, not just something you go through. It is an experience created between two people that encompasses so much more than just simply saying I do, it is actively doing the “I do” on an every day basis. The original act of going through a marraige is the same as a promise, a commitment to follow through on something. The following through on that commitment takes partnership, the act of working togeather to accomplish a common goal. Remember if you feel like you are against your significant other or vice versa, or that you are in competition with each other, stop and ask yourself…Is what I am doing effective or ineffective to our common goal? Do you even know your common goal – (The reason you got married in the first place)? If you can’t answer that question but would like too – I would like to invite you to sign up for my upcoming newsletter by sending a pm with your email address to me at and put Life Coach Newsletter in the subject line)