~Reminder to Breathe & Release ~

Do you have this thing called Crap Clutter? I know I do, from the very moment I wake to the time I hit the sack, my mind is racing about a gazillion things I need to do, things that I meant to do that day, things that need done tomorrow, worries about so called “life” that happens every day, wondering if I did everything that was pertinent for that very day. Let’s face it folks, LIFE HAPPENS, to everyone, every single day! You are not alone, and neither am I.

The world we live in is a STRUGGLE, yes that’s right, A FIGHT to the finish line. All the degrees and education in the world make you smarter, can make you advance in your career, but it doesn’t eliminate the Pesky, Tedious, Hard struggles we go through on a daily basis.

Positive psychology & choosing to thing optimistically and replacing negative thoughts, those thoughts that bully our emotions, are considered to be a DAILY CHOICE I attempt to make every day. Life is my choice, and with that, comes problems, and through problems comes growth!

Look on the bright side, how boring would life be with out all these problems????

Crap Clutter chaos can actually cause more problems if you let it, instead of focusing on the CRAP, why not focus on what you actually got going for you right now? The solution I have found in my crazy, chaotic life ~ IMPROVISE! Dr Phil often asks his clients or show guests , “How’s that working for ya?” I love this because it is bold, and simple! It offers immediate clarity and often times triggers an “AHA” moment!  The point is – If something isn’t working for you- try something new!

People often miss out on life because of this monster called Fear, which triggers another monster called Anxiety, and then people end up getting “stuck” where they are and unable to climb the mountains in front of them. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS CLIMB!!!

The climb is nothing more than a mere moment, which will pass, it is temporary!

Learning from the bad, the worse, and the ugly is the hardest part- accept the things that are beyond your control and learn to ADAPT to overcome them.

You know, and have always known, where your miracles in life come from. They start when we are children and begin to learn right from wrong. We learn to listen to our inner voice, our conscious, as we get older, and as adults forget to nourish this inner voice! We get so caught up in the Crap Clutter, we all from time to time get caught up in the sand pit sinking, feeling like we have no way out.

I wanted to share this with you because, I too, for the past few weeks, have found myself falling into the pit of this chaos called crap clutter. My life is changing daily, and going in so many new directions.

I found myself praying for direction while drinking coffee this morning, listening to the birds in my backyard, and trying to get myself up and going for the day.

I noticed at that very moment, the cool breeze blowing across my face, and realized how at that very moment I just needed to stop and absorb what was going on around me.  (Smell the Roses so to speak)

Quit worrying about all life’s chaos, what to do next, or what I haven’t gotten done yet.

Just simply take a moment,  breathe & release all the anxieties, worries, and frustrations that had been building the last couple of weeks.
This was such an easy thing to do,  and yet I haven’t thought about it because my mind was so cluttered with all the other stuff going on.

Take the time to stop a minute – Breathe – Release- & smell the roses…..you just be reunited with that sense of “It’s all going to be OK”.

Love & Hugs,

~Life Coach Tosha

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